SportsSynch makes syncing radio and TV broadcasts easy

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012 | 16.00

For me, it started with Howard Cosell on Monday Night Football. Listening to a radio broadcast while the game was televised was fun and the two broadcasts meshed nicely. But nowadays, it's difficult to get that experience because of the lag between radio and TV broadcasts. Enter SportsSynch ($15, thirty-day free trial), a clever little utility that takes your PCs audio output and delays it 1 to 24 seconds so it matches up with the TV broadcast.

All you need to do is run your radio broadcast through your PC's audio input, delay it with SportsSynch and voila! Local broadcast nirvana. The only trick is getting the audio out of your radio device. Basically, you need an adapter cable that runs from your radio device to the mini-stereo jack that most PCs use for audio input.

Installing and using SportsSynch is easy. Run the install routine, run the program and delay the audio using the slider control. It doesn't get much simpler than that.

SportsSynch is free for 30 days. After that, you'll need the $15 key to continue with an anything longer than a one-second delay.

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SportsSynch makes syncing radio and TV broadcasts easy

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SportsSynch makes syncing radio and TV broadcasts easy

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SportsSynch makes syncing radio and TV broadcasts easy

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